Category: Apple (page 4 of 5)

Apple Fails to Ban U.S. Sales of Samsung Galaxy S3

Samsung Galaxy S III

In an effort to keep its existing patent case against Samsung rolling, Apple this week lost a bid to have the court ban the Samsung Galaxy S III in the states before its U.S. release. Apple will still pursue its patent fight against the Galaxy S III but on a less-expedited basis than it might have wanted. Last week, Apple asked the court to impose...

HTC’s One X and Evo 4G LTE Begin Import to the U.S.


After a two-week-long Customs delay, shipments of HTC’s One X and Evo 4G LTE are flowing unfettered into the U.S., the company announced today. “HTC has completed the review process with U.S. Customs and HTC devices have been released, as they are in compliance with the ITC’s ruling,” the company said in a statement....

Android vs. Apple – Why Apple is For Zombies

Android vs. Apple

If you’ve been following my blog for a while now, or have read past articles, then you know I’m not an Apple fan. I wanted to go in depth and explain why. I believe that you’ll find my points interesting, but I also praise Apple for their innovation. Without Apple developing the iPhone I don’t believe our phones would be the same today....

Goodbye Apple, Hello Android


By next year, 2012, Android will be running on 49.2% of all smartphones worldwide, according to ComScore. While Apple’s iOS will drop to a measly 18.9%. Android is now activating 500,000 devices each and every day. This is up from the 100,000 that Android was activating 1 year ago and up from 300,000 a day that were being activated in...

Why Apple Rubs Me the Wrong Way

Steve Jobs Evil

People always ask what I have against Apple. I wouldn’t say it’s the company as a whole, or even their products. I just mor or less can’t stand STEVE JOBS. He needs to take that stick out of his butt. I absolutely hate supporting people like this.   It should come as no surprise to most Apple watchers that Steve Jobs is a...

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