Category: Android (page 8 of 14)

How to Root Samsung Galaxy S III

Root Galaxy S III

So you’ve just bagged yourself a gleaming newSamsung Galaxy S3 and you already want to root around in Android’s murky depths? Step this way, friend, and let me take you through the process. If you think of your phone as a computer, rooting it is like being given administrator rights; you can edit and mess around with things that...

Samsung Galaxy S3 Review

Galaxy S III

It’s here, the Samsung Galaxy S3 has arrived. Well, almost. Depending on the carrier, you may not see it for a week or two, but the time is certainly upon us. Are you ready for one phone, in two colors, on all carriers? Are you ready for 2GB of RAM? How about a phone that lets you and your friends share the world with a couple of clicks? Do...

Apple Fails to Ban U.S. Sales of Samsung Galaxy S3

Samsung Galaxy S III

In an effort to keep its existing patent case against Samsung rolling, Apple this week lost a bid to have the court ban the Samsung Galaxy S III in the states before its U.S. release. Apple will still pursue its patent fight against the Galaxy S III but on a less-expedited basis than it might have wanted. Last week, Apple asked the court to impose...

Samsung Galaxy S3 Released June 18th for AT&T

Samsung Galaxy S3

While the phone makers advertise that the Galaxy was built to “make life easier,” some of its attempts to do so are both neat and stalker-ish. One such feature includes the “I am watching you” cam. Technically referred to as the “Smart Stay,” the “front-facing camera can identify your eyes-while reading an...

Samsung Galaxy Note Ice Cream Sandwich Update Causing Problems

Galaxy Nexus ICS 4.0

It hasn’t been too long since we’ve heard reports about the Ice Cream Sandwich update rolling out for the international Samsung Galaxy Note alongside the Premium Suite. Although things looked pretty well at start, it seems that the update might cause some minor issues as a quite large number of Galaxy Note owners around the world have started...

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