Category: All Posts (page 18 of 23)

HTC Thunderbolt 4G LTE Radio Acting Goofy

HTC Thunerbolt

Two days ago I was sitting on the couch watching TV and I went to pick up my HTC Thunderbolt phone and I noticed there was an icon in the notification bar. My SD card was acting weird and displaying as “Read Only”. I also noticed my service was only reading 1X. I called Verizon tech support to see if my SD card was under warranty and...

Goodbye Apple, Hello Android


By next year, 2012, Android will be running on 49.2% of all smartphones worldwide, according to ComScore. While Apple’s iOS will drop to a measly 18.9%. Android is now activating 500,000 devices each and every day. This is up from the 100,000 that Android was activating 1 year ago and up from 300,000 a day that were being activated in...

Amazon Kindle 3 for Under $99

Amazon Kindle 3

I wrote an article back on May 11, 2011 about the new Kindle 3 Ad based version currently going for $114. I claimed the ad version was the way to go to save money, and I still agree with my decision today. Many people didn’t like that Amazon only dropped the price $25 to display ads on the Kindle. Some people thought the price should have...

Why You Should Just Ship to Verizon NOW

Verizon Wireless

Picture it, June 2010, iPhone 4 was released. Glass front and back with an antenna being wrapped around the steel band to obtain better service. I thought all my problems would be fixed. Little did I know, they got worse. I kept hearing that Verizon had amazing service, but their unlimited data plans would be going away soon. I jumped shipped last...

Tim Pawlenty, Presidential Nominee, Glitter Bombed

Tim Pawlenty Glitter Bombed

Tim Pawlenty has stated he will run for President in 2012. However, at a book signing on June 16, 2011, Tim Pawlenty got bombarded with pink glitter and feathers. This protest was done by CodePink, which is a supportive gay rights group. I’ve mentioned this before in pasts posts, we really need to get over the whole “gay” issue...

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