Category: All Posts (page 15 of 23)

HTC Thunderbolt Gingerbread “Uber BAMF” Download

HTC Thunderbolt Gingerbread

Das Bamf has come out with another custom Gingerbread ROM for the HTC Thunderbolt. This build is a hybrid of the 2.1 ROMs and Sense 3 ROMs all rolled into one big hot-swappable “uber” ROM. Team Bamf is calling this a “preview” build. Therefore, it is not a final build, will have bugs, and is missing some features. Now as...

Stop Buying DVDs and BluRays!


As DVD sales decline and more home electronics get hooked up to the Internet, we’re going to soon be entering an era of cloud computing. Yes, the “cloud” has been mentioned now for the past couple of years, but I believe it’s finally catching on now that broadband is getting faster and faster, along with more home...

Motorola Droid Bionic Specs Released

Droid Bionic

Folks, we are another step closer to the Droid Bionic being released. Some basic specs of the phone have been released. The Motorola Droid Bionic will have a: TI OMAP 4430 1GHz dual-core CPU bundled with 1GB RAM 4.3-inch qHD display with 960 x 540 resolution, HDMI 1.4 8 megapixel rear camera accompanied by a VGA front-facing shooter and 1080p...

How I Lost 20 Pounds (non-paid testimony) with Healthy Trim

Healthy Trim

When I went in for my annual physical back in February / March, I weighed in at 179 lbs. Now I’m not saying that’s bad for a guy who’s 5’9″… but I could be in better shape. This is the most I have weighed, ever. I knew I had to do something and take action. I could not continue on this path of eating and...

Download Thunderstick 1.4.9 Gingerbread ROM for HTC Thunderbolt

HTC Thunderbolt Thunderstick Gingerbread ROM

For those who want to try another Gingerbread ROM for their HTC Thunderbolt, here is the Thunderstick 1.4.9 ROM. I tried this ROM and I personally didn’t like it. I didn’t like the cheap boot animations. I also didn’t like the font when you drag the notification bar down (you can see it in the 2nd picture below on the bottom it...

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