Month: July 2011 (page 3 of 3)

My Amazon Kindle 3 is now $89

Kindle Ad Version

This is in response to my article I wrote about the Kindle being less than $99 (in theory). Here’s a recap of what I wrote, if you’re already familiar, skip ahead:   How has the price of the Kindle already dropped below $99? If you didn’t already know, the ads that are displayed on the Kindle can only be redeemed by people who...

Rooted HTC Thunderbolt Running Gingerbread 2.3.4

Android Gingerbread

I received my new HTC Thunderbolt in the mail last Thursday after I was having issues with the 4G Radio signal. Shortly after I got off the phone with Verizon, the signal came back to 4G instead of 1X. I decided to keep the replacement phone order in progress since I thought it’d be nice to have a “new” phone with no scratches. I...

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