Month: July 2011 (page 2 of 3)

Cutting the Cord on Cable TV

Cutting the Comcast Cable Cord

Between Hulu Plus and Netflix on my XBOX 360, I can say I’ve officially cut the cable cord. There’s been a lot of talk about cutting cord recently. If I can recall, an author over at CNet even reported his experience on a day-to-day basis. Him and his wife were trying to buy a new car and needed to cut back where possible. They...

HTC Thunderbolt Updated Gingerbread 2.3.4

Das Bamf Sense 3.0 RC5

Back on July 5th, 2011 I wrote an article how I updated my HTC Thunderbolt to Gingerbread 2.3.4 by installing a custom Das BAMF 2.1 ROM onto my Android phone because I couldn’t wait for HTC and Verizon anymore. The update was suppose to come June 30, 2011 and after Quarter 2 ended with no Gingerbread in sight, I took matters into my...

Save Money on Every Starbucks Drink


Many people don’t know this, but you can buy a Starbucks gift card (minimum $5) and register it for FREE at and after your first five purchases you’ll begin to save money on almost every drink! As far as I know, Starbucks doesn’t really promote this. The only way I found out about this program was through a...

Why I Shop at Target & Not Wal-Mart

Walmart Vs. Target

It’s been over two years since I’ve stepped foot in a Wal-Mart. To be exact, I stopped shopping at Wal-Mart in June of 2009. The reason why? To be honest, I just don’t care for Wal-Mart. I feel Target has a cleaner, more positive shopping experience. The isles feel bigger and Target employees (typically) are more...

Tweet your Facebook Page via RSS

Retweet Facebook Page Status

I’ve been working on this for at least the past 3 hours. I just update my blog today to be more social-media acceptable (“Like Us” on Facebook by going to the homepage in the upper right-hand corner!“) I didn’t realize that when you’re creating a Facebook page for your company/website, you’re suppose to...

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